
Willowbrook Middle School ranked #10 out of 565 middle schools in Illinois on the 2020-21 Illinois Assessment of Readiness!

At Willowbrook Middle School, we've aligned our curriculum to the Illinois Learning Standards for all courses in which they are available. We use standards-referenced grading which focuses on what has been learned by students, not what has been taught to them. The goal is for all stakeholders (parents, teachers and students alike) to receive better feedback about what students know, and are able to do.  Our faculty has identified power standards and learning targets that students will receive grades for on their report cards. Power standards are standards which are considered to be the most essential to a particular grade level, content area, or course.  Learning targets are goals written in student-friendly language that clearly describe what students will learn and be able to do by the end of instruction.  Learning targets are often derived by breaking down standards into smaller segments.  This system of reporting takes into account student growth as measured with specific academic success criteria, rather than a single letter grade representing an average of tasks and behaviors.       

Below, you will find the power standards and learning targets for each course at Willowbrook Middle School. The items in bold are what students will receive grades for on their report cards.  Click on the links to view the rubrics used in assessment.  For more information, please follow the link to view our standards-referenced grading tri-fold.   

Curriculum Coordinator

Kim Andrews