Lunch Program
We provide students with access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet their health and nutrition needs.
Prairie Hill School District is once again participating in the National School Lunch & Breakfast Program
The Illinois House and Senate both passed the Healthy School Meals For All Bill ( Public Act 103-0532), to provide universal free school meals to public school students, to be overseen by the State Board of Education.
The bill was approved by Governor JB Pritzker on August 11, 2023, but it did not receive the funding it needed to bring the policy to fruition. So, unfortunately, we have to charge for meals this year.
Eight other states, including neighboring Minnesota and Michigan, have passed and funded permanent school meals for all kids.
315,000+ Illinois children experience food insecurity and 27% of food insecure children aren’t eligible for free or reduced price meals due to outdated eligibility requirements.
I would like to emphasize the importance of the School Lunch Program. For many children, the meals that they receive at school are the only meals they have access to. Your participation supports the program and therefore helps those who rely on it for their only nutritious meal of the day.
So until we get funding, the pricing this year will be as follows:
Full Price Breakfast = $2.50
Full Priced Lunch = $3.85
Reduced Price Breakfast = .30
Reduced Price Lunch = .40
Summer Feeding Program:
Prairie Hill School District is currently not hosting the Summer Meal Program.
To find Summer Feeding Sites near you please use the following link.
Since 2022, the meals we have been serving have been primarily cooked from scratch. Our homemade breakfast muffins are a great example of this!
Due to governmental regulations, we no longer are able to have a salad bar, but we do offer pre-made salads every day and we also offer scratch-made soup once a week.
This year we served two Holiday meals, complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and baked apples.
We also utilized quite a bit of produce from the school garden. The students really love seeing all of their hard work on their lunch plates! We are in the hunt for funding for a hydroponic garden so we can have fresh, homegrown produce all year long!
Our goal is to serve our students healthy, nutritious meals that they will enjoy, involving as little processing as possible.
Please check out our Wellness Policy (at the top of this page) and feel free to offer input or join our wellness committee. We would really appreciate input from our community.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Julie Mattelig
Food Service Director
815-389-3957 ext. 1760
Holiday Meal
Willowbrook has started its second year implementing taste testers to help shape our menu.
This years Taste Testers are:
Cameryn Hallock - Hughes
Emma Roth
Owen Thao
Elijah Sheen
Caitlyn Dwyer
Colin Williams
Evalaine Sherry
Payment Options
It is your choice to either pay online (fees apply) or send a check with your student.
Cash or Check
Your student will hand in the check to their homeroom teacher in the morning. Meal payment (cash or check) should arrive in an envelope marked School Lunch and must contain the following information:
PAYMENT: CHECK________ CASH________
Checks are to be made payable to PHCCSD133.
If you have more than one student at the same school you only need to write one check, but please indicate how much is to go into each child's account. Money will be carried over to the next year, until the student graduates from our district.
milk .50
1 meal: Free
A-La-Carte Price range: $1.00 - $2.00
adult meal: $5.00
Parent Portal
Families funding accounts with checks or cash can monitor balances on TeacherEase Parent Portal.
Online Payment
Online payments can be made using parent portal. On the parent main page go to miscellaneous then fees. You will be able to view account balances here also.