Strategic Plan
We value:
Collaboration - Collaborative learning and teaching.
Empowerment - Empowering teachers and students.
Perseverance - Encourage perseverance through challenges.
Innovation - Inspire innovation including engaging uses of technology.
Safety - Creating a safe, inclusive and positive environment.
Community - relationships with all stakeholders are the foundation of our success.
Social Emotional Learning - meeting the needs of the whole child.
Diversity - cultural competence, equity, respect, social justice
Integrity - responsibility for one’s self and actions, accountability
Excellence - challenge, rigor, reflection, academic skills
Academics are an essential priority.
Decisions are based on research and the best available data within performance indicators.
Fiscal responsibility that allows us to create opportunities for success.
Staff and student mental health, safety and wellness will always be considered in decision-making.
Awareness of external factors within the community.
Alignment with the high school.
critical issues
SEL/Inclusivity/Meeting whole child’s needs, responsive culture/Safety & Wellness
Professional Development/Capitalizing on personnel/Collaboration/Burnout
Facilities/Community Center
All students will be provided an innovative, rigorous academic program within their ability level.
All students’ emotional, physical, and cultural needs will be met.
All staff will be provided an empowering and collaborative environment with opportunities for professional growth.
Our facilities will always be well-maintained and safe for student and community use.
We will provide research-based academic programming that is appropriately challenging for all students. (Academics)
We will develop and implement learning experiences that meet the needs of whole student wellness within a diverse and inclusive environment. (SEL)
We will ensure each staff member is provided the training and team support to thrive in their position. (Staff Growth & Development)
We will be good stewards of our resources and provide a safe, inviting, and orderly environment for students, staff, and community. (Facilities & Resources)
Over the course of the 2020-2021 school year, a total of 38 community members, staff members, students, administrators and school board members came together to design the framework for what is now the Prairie Hill School District's Strategic Plan. This plan will be in effect from the fall of 2021 to the spring of 2024. Many of those members will continue to meet annually to discuss the progress of the strategic plan and determine viable next steps. The Prairie Hill School District School Board adopted the strategic plan at the June 22, 2021 regular school board meeting.