E-Learning Plan & resources
Welcome to the PHSD #133 E-Learning Page! E-Learning for the Prairie Hill School District has been created to provide students an opportunity to continue their learning and instruction when certain events do not allow us to be physically present in school. While technology can never replace teachers, instruction through technology can help to continue to keep students engaged in education.
All students in Kindergarten through 8th grade have access to Chromebooks on a daily basis. In the event of an E-Learning day, students would be able to have their devices at home to access teacher instruction and various educational learning resources.
PHSD #133 E-Learning Plan
Background: Section 10-20.56(c) of the School Code requires an E-learning program containing “provisions designed to reasonably and practicably accomplish” certain goals. These goals and tasks are described below:
The Prairie Hill School District developed the following research-based program for E-learning days. This plan was effectively utilized and updated throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Access: All Kindergarten-8th grade students have Chromebooks assigned to them or have the ability to utilize them on a 1:1 basis. 5th through 8th grade students take their chromebooks home on a daily basis. All Kindergarten through 4th grade students have chromebooks assigned to them and have the ability to take them home in the event of a closure or extended closure. Every grade level teacher will either post their E-Learning instructional modules on Google Classroom or email students and parents directly in the event that an E-Learning day has to take place.
Instructional Activities: Every teacher will intentionally design their instruction to take the time to fulfill the 5 hours of instruction required by the state of Illinois. Teachers will have multiple lessons prepared in the event that an E-Learning day occurs. These lessons have been designed to fit within any point in the curriculum. All lessons will be stored in a variety of Google Apps, or distributed electronically, to allow accessibility in the event of an E-Learning day. Possible activities to be utilized will be iReady lessons, lessons posted in Google Classroom or emailed to parents, Gizmos, Accelerated Reader, Wolvereading and project-based learning.
Students with Special Needs/Accommodations: The special education departments use the same technology supports as used in general education and special education classes: Chromebooks, GSuite for Education and various online educational curriculum. Special education students are familiar with and utilize their chromebooks throughout their academic courses. Teachers work to create relevant, meaningful, and manageable assignments for students on E-Learning days. Activities will be varied according to the course, subject, skills, and knowledge required for the lesson. Students are also able to access their accommodations and special education case manager for guidance/assistance.
Teachers: All teachers are issued laptops that can deploy assignments to students. All teachers have access to the internet.
Non-Instructional Staff: Maintenance and custodians will be expected to work their normal days. Administrators, Food Service and Support Staff will report to their immediate supervisor and will be given directives based on the best interest of the district.
Attendance: Students will sign in using a Google Form or Google Classroom that will be accessible for the entire 24 hours of the E-Learning day. Data will be stored and referred to for future attendance verification. Students who are unable to sign in using Google Classroom, or cannot access the internet, can submit an excused absence similar to existing school policies and will have two days to make up any missed work per board policy. Parents will be able to call in students who are not able to participate, or email the teachers/front office to let them know. Further, if a parent calls in and leaves a voicemail, the secretaries have voicemail go straight to their email.
Training: Staff will learn about the expectations for an E-Learning day through email communication and staff meetings. Opportunities for in-person support and consultation will be made available during professional time. Students and families will learn about the expectations and student responsibilities for an E-Learning day through direct communication from building offices via email, website and voice conversation. Parents will also be directed to the E-Learning day page on the PHSD website for a full overview of the program.
Communication: Information will be shared with families through email, as well as our SchoolMessenger system. The District website, media and social media will also be utilized to push out any necessary information.
PHSD #133 Union: The District has communicated with the Prairie Hill Federation of Teachers and have agreed to E-Learning days (as represented by signatures at the end of this plan). E-Learning Days are not in conflict with the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Expectations for certified staff are stated within this agreement and communicated from administration.
Emergency Preparedness: In the event of an early dismissal, all students will be given Chromebooks with power supplies to conduct effective E-Learning Days. If schools were to shut down at night, for the next day and foreseeable future, the district would communicate the best strategy for parents to come pickup their Chromebooks from a centralized location in the district.
Internet Access: Students who do not have access to the internet will be given hard copies of assignments, alternative assignments or be allowed to make up work when school is back in session.
Assignment Access: In the specific circumstances that the student does not have access to a device, or internet access, the student would be provided with paper materials before the E-Learning day. Classroom teachers would be aware as to who does/does not have access to a device as well as internet access. 3rd through 8th grade students will have a Chromebook and some lessons will be able to be completed without access to the internet.
Documentation of Student Work: Teachers will continuously check in with students/parents through the use of Google Classroom or email. We will also use the administrative reporting features in G Suite for Education to monitor Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Calendar usage, along with the number of files shared internally or externally.
Student Participation: Students will have flexibility in the timing of their E-Learning Day activities. Students must check-in by 1PM. This will allow students plenty of time for this quick check-in. If students are not able to do this, they will be marked absent for the day. Each student will need to complete at least 5 hours of school work during the E-Learning Day, but will have flexibility as to when they choose to do this work. All class expectations and instructional materials will be posted by their teachers by 8 AM. It is up to each teacher to decide when the school work will be completed, just as in any regular school day. Teachers are encouraged to provide enough time to complete E-Learning day work. Teachers will be available during normal school hours if students need to reach out to them for assistance or support. Student learning will be documented through completion of assignments, projects and lessons as well as communication from students.
Teacher Training: We have been using GSuite for Education for the past 4 years, some teachers have been using it more than 4 years. During this time period, the staff has been provided professional development, as well as an abundance of resources to help them be successful when using several of the Google Apps. These trainings and professional development activities have provided teachers an understanding of how to effectively use technology in the classroom and apply it to their instruction.