Standards-Referenced Grading

At Prairie Hill, our mission statement is simple: Students first, always. That drives our curricular decisions as a district, as our focus is constantly on what students are learning, not just what is being taught. This is observed through assessing the progress of the students, not moving on until the students have grasped information.

We often talk about the ‘what’ and the ‘how’. Below, you will see the ‘what’, these are what classes are focusing on each trimester, so that you know what students are learning. What you will not see in these documents will be the ‘how’, that is how the teachers are working with the students on these Illinois Learning Standards and our own building Learning Targets. Ask your child what their current learning target is, then ask them how they are learning it.

Not everything is encompassed in these learning targets. This represents our power standards, the standards with progress measured on report cards. The information below corresponds to the report cards sent home in November, February, and May. Some learning targets are addressed in the classrooms at Prairie Hill but are not reported on. Those you will not see below.

Instructional Guides

The documents below will help you to understand what standards and learning targets students will be assessed on at each grade level.

Curriculum Coordinator

Kim Andrews