phsD #133 District communicator

December, 2024


Welcome to the District Communicator, a monthly publication highlighting achievements, news, important information about our district, and further provides a synopsis of happenings within the district.  More communication is provided through school newsletters, communications home and monthly school board minutes approved from the month before.  Our goal is to maintain open and transparent communication with our community.

December was a month filled with concerts,  the beginning of winter sports, a PSA Pajama Night event, and much more!  Thanks for reading and we look forward to the many adventures that await us in the months to come.

What's happened this month!



sHOUT-OUT!/staff spotlight

This month's spotlight shines on the Band and Choir Directors

This month's Staff Spotlight goes to Willowbrook’s band and choir directors and their continued involvement with ILMEA (Illinois Music Education Association).  Congratulations to Mrs. Gotzsche and Ms. Crippen on playing an integral role in our student’s musical education! 


Prairie Hill School District #133 Board Meeting Recap

The Prairie Hill School District #133 Board of Education held its regular meeting on Wednesday, December 18th, at 5:30 PM. During the meeting, the board listened to public comments from an audience member with questions about school board attendance.

Mr. Czizek presented on the Tax Levy, discussed staff fill rates since increasing the daily substitute rate of pay and updated the school board on the Health and Life Safety survey, that was provided by the district’s architects.  

Board committee discussions focused on discussions about Jack’s Corner, First Student bussing negotiations, and a mid-year check-in with Mrs. Thompson about the progress at Willowbrook Middle School.  Also discussed during the policy committee presentation were reviews related to policy in regard to the Open Meetings Act (OMA) and board agenda clarifications.

more resources

Pride of prairie hill

At each monthly meeting, the Prairie Hill School Board will recognize at least one of our outstanding staff members for a specific achievement. Interested in nominating?  Click the link below!

The PSA provides several events for the Prairie Hill Community and is always looking for volunteers!  Meetings are held every other month at 3:30 at Prairie Hill Elementary School.